Testimonials continued....

LIVE dating breakthrough testimonies recording (from Bec's singles group
May 4th, 2023)

This is the story of Christian and Ashliegh Schlotzhauer. I joined your course in hopes of learning about dating and meeting someone who I would later marry. I remember when I joined it was a prophetic action for me to step out and believe that God would grant me my heart’s desire of meeting someone.
I joined the course and it helped me so much to be open and do this journey with the Holy Spirit. Christian and I met on upward in December 2022 when I saw his profile I immediately felt a connection that I knew was from God. We started talking and hit it off immediately, in that same month we decided to meet each other , he met my family because he visited me in Christmas and I remember him feeling like home but I still was not sure.
As I was doing your course there were things that I thought would be a problem. I remember telling Bec in a zoom call meeting I thought he was gonna be mean and you told me to not judge him so quickly, find out more about as we both come from different backgrounds. You truly helped with that advice , because he is so kind and if I didn’t take your advice we wouldn’t have made it far.
Your course gave me healthy perspective and kept my mind open to how God would sent my husband. Before Christian I went on some dates that were just not appealing but something about him felt right. We did long distance for most of our relationship, zoom was our best friend in those times.
We went to Bible study together on zoom, we prayed on zoom , watched church on zoom, we watched movies and played games and it was such a fulfilling beautiful experience. We both felt the Lord on the relationship. In April he flew down to where I live and proposed to me and by July 2023 we are now married.
I remember my pastor asking him why he chose me and he said because he felt the peace of the lord on it and I could not have been more please to marry someone that sought the Lord in his decision. The powerful thing about our story is that before Christian I made a list of all the months I wanted to meet him leading up to marriage. I told the Lord that I wanted to meet my husband in December 2022 , get engaged around March / April and get married during July and it all happened. Praise to Jesus because hears us and gives us exactly what we need. He was made for me , everything I prayed for I definitely got. Don’t give up on your desire because Jesus will do it and no relationship or person is perfect but with Jesus we can look beyond our differences and love each other unconditionally.

I have loved doing the weekly zoom calls. It seems like they are just for me! The Lord speaks so powerfully through the ladies on there, and I walk away feeling so seen and encouraged! It’s good to know I’m not alone and empowering to understand that if they can get their breakthrough, so can I.
The Journal work around us God about boundaries and the video Bec did was such a breakthrough moment for me. I realized exactly how much I had been dishonoring myself and how much of a powerful person I truly am. It's time to STAND IN IT!
I can't recommend Bec's dating for breakthrough course enough! Every week there's been a breakthrough for me. The homework and videos are full of great content, and there's enough content in the weekly homework to last months! It's not a skim over the top kind of course, it's a lets go deep with Jesus, kind of course. The topics that are covered and the reach that they have is so much bigger then just finding a husband. The application is for everyday life from growing in character to learning how to be better with boundaries and relationships, to identifying lies about ourselves and men, there is so much good stuff covered. The week on boundaries was particularly helpful for me, I realised exactly how much I had been dishonouring myself and allowing others to walk all over me. Identifying these lies was super helpful but also having a community to encourage me to trust myself and hold me accountable was so good. I had a wondeful mentor and an amazing group of ladies to walk it through with. Our coaching calls were so much fun and I learnt lots by listening to other peoples stories. We really did become a great little community in the time we had together! If you're considering this course do it! I've had life changing breakthrough moments from working through this content. One of many examples is I came having a huge amount of fear and anxiety around men to the point I often couldn't make eye contact. God helped me to deal with the root of that fear. Now I'm able to make eye contact and feel great PEACE!! Yay GOD! And thanks Bec for helping us ladies lean in to love and accept the awesome people God has created us to be.
“Out of all the dating and relationship courses I have taken, Bec’s 9 Weeks to Breakthrough in Dating is the only one that powerfully addressed root issues, empowering me to come out of agreement with any lies or limiting beliefs I was holding and replace them with the more abundant truth. It was weighty with revelation, but practical in application. Bec coaches you through any struggle areas and equips you to be successful in dating, whether that is putting yourself out there in meeting people or navigating a healthy relationship. I was dating someone when I began the course, and we ended up breaking up in the duration of the course due to compatibility issues. But because of the content, I was able to identify our incompatibility and communicate that with honor, ending the relationship well, and excited to put myself out there again. This course will force and equip you to take ownership and agency over your dating life, and to trust God’s goodness in the process. 10/10, highly recommend!”
"Good evening Bec, I want to give gratitude to you for leading me through your 9 week course. My breakthroughs were:
• Learning the major things that were blocking me from a new relationship
• Realizing that on a smaller scale, but like Isaac, I needed to lay my most ‘precious’ down on an altar to God, as he did with his son. I had been holding on to my dating life too tightly.
• Like you with your facial issues, I went through two rounds of radiation for skin cancer during this course. Each time spending three days indoors in complete darkness, away from all windows, and could not even have the TV on. Then, when I finally could go outside my face was so blistered and hideous it made meeting new men difficult
• I am making some changes in my crazy Flight Attendant career to be home more days, thus more conducive to dating and getting to know someone
• God also spoke to me about my attitude concerning online dating. I tried Bumble for exactly one year, went on 22 dates, learned a great deal about myself, however found the men to be fake and ingenuous. I believe God is asking me to step out once again (70%!) and give it a whirl with a new outlook.
God is so good. I’ve known for many years that he has someone special waiting for me, but like Wendy Griffith of the 700 club, He has a veil of protection around me, waiting to reveal me at His timing. At 54, my exact age, she was also an inspiration. Many, many thanks for all the instruction, promptings and being a trusted source. May God bless you richly. With sincerity,
"Something that Bec has drilled into us is that it is vital to stay in hope, no matter what. She also clarified that hope for marriage shouldn't be tied to circumstances or hope for a particular guy to notice and pursue you. This has become a reality for how I live my life. It's a healthy state of being and it feels good."
"In this week's session on forgiveness I asked the Lord if there was anyone I needed to forgive. He said I needed to forgive myself, and I took time to do that. It hadn't crossed my mind to release myself from perceived failures with men, and I'm so glad I did."
"I've realized I'm still in a MAJOR process & my heart is healing & thats okay! I'm loving myself & the beauty of who I am as a woman, having the heart of a wife & a mom. I get to celebrate myself daily for these things & more. Because I've had an idea of what it's like to be loved for my whole self and as a woman, I now feel more confident celebrating me even if it's just me celebrating!"
"I can almost see myself as happily married and telling other single people to not lose hope because God is working behind the scenes. He can do beyond what we think or imagine would be possible in regards to our love lives!"
“The Holy Spirit has softened my heart, changing it to allow me to experience a new and improved dating life.
My perspective has changed.
Before, my heart was shutting down and closed off to dating.”
"The Lord is just uncovering so many areas where I've partnered in with areas of hopelessness and lack. I cried several times because I compared my life to so many other Christian women, my journey and my walk with the Lord. Especially in my dating journey. I asked God so many questions, He has been very patient with me. He is continuing to help my partner with Hope, His love, and Truth in the areas I struggle with. So I no longer will see someone else's "engagement story", "relationship take status" as discouraging to my soul. In reality, I really want this to be myself experiencing these things."
The Lord was working on my heart regarding marriage and my remarriage when I signed up for Bec's 9 week course. The Lord used it powerfully to prepare me to meet my new husband.
Mindset, beliefs and attitudes about ourselves, men, love and dating are so important. I had done much inner healing and deliverance, so felt heart healed but I was holding onto beliefs about men that were very toxic. Bec is very vulnerable and gentle, and encourages us to check our hearts and come out of alignment with false beliefs about men, love and ourselves. I did this, and could feel the hope and breakthrough very soon thereafter. One of the adjustments- was to refuse lies about "all men being users" or my own trauma based belief that "most men are secretly abusive." I wasn't aware that i was agreeing with such negative and hopeless views. Bec's course really helps us agree with the Word and the Spirit...and let dating be fun. It was never fun for me- it was a lot of work but I was shifted by her hope.
What followed was a very supernatural timeline and meeting with my future husband, a man prophesied to me by others 3 years ago. I was a divorced single mom of 5, in my late 40's and the enemy would whisper to me that I was too old, had too many kids, and other lies about being remarried to a godly equal yoke.
However, I was so moved and transformed by the wisdom and impartation Bec carries- things shifted a LOT for me. I renounced and released certain ungodly hopeless beliefs and felt so much happier and more hopeful. I also noticed more men smiling at me in public, as my fear cage was broken off. Next I hear the Holy Spirit suggested I rejoin a Christian dating app. I did- not out of excitement but purely based on obedience. I'm a teacher, it was winter break- I did have time for a few dates- I would just show up- to be available.
And I see a man who super liked me. Matthew. We seem to have a lot in common in his profile in terms of our spiritual walk, having kids and the stream of faith we were in. With a lot of signs, words and confirmations- it became clear that Matt was my husband. He knew that I was his wife after our first phone call. We were married 29 days after our first phone call- 18 days after our first date- at a church. It was unusually quick- yet- but God was all over it and people in our lives who hear God well were also in agreement- that this was crazy, wild and fast- but it was God.
I am so in love and Matt is the most amazing man I've ever known. We have so many things in common and each day is better than the last. He is my equal yoke and I am his. We are both intercessors who flow in deliverance. We are both ENFPs, we have many points of connection but the most wonderful part is that our relationship is a three fold cord of us and Jesus. He has been speaking so clearly and releasing so many blessings into our relationship- you'll have to wait for the book to hear them all.
God can do a quick work! And He can renew our faith and hope. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart! I desired restoration in the areas of marriage, love, family and sex. And He is really showing up- way more than I could have asked for.
Many blessings and may you see yourself, the opposite sex, love, dating, courtship and marriage with HOPE, life and partner with the Holy Spirit in releasing every good thing into your life.
April (Selenskikh) Worthington.
I will just start by saying that this program has really been a blessing to me. I initially wanted to start the training early last year but was in school and did not think I could commit the time needed to complete it and I was also short on financial resources because I was only working 2 days each week. I then determined in my heart that if this program ever comes back around I would sign up. It so happened that I saw it late last year and still did not have all the cash but was happy there was a payment plan, so without hesitation, I signed up (still did not know when I’ll have the second payment, but God is faithful and provided the second payment). Fast forward to doing the program, with tears in my eyes I can say that for the first time in my life I have hope of finding that good Godly relationship, after being told by my parents that I do not have luck with men so I should just stay by myself (they had a good laugh about it too). Before this program I was on the brink of giving up on ever finding that type of relationship and wondering if God wanted me to spend the rest of my life alone or I would just have to settle for my ex who cheated on me because that was all that was going to be offered to me. This is my 6th week going on to week 7 (I had to take a few weeks break), and I have seen drastic improvements in my relationship with God, where I am actually hearing his voice clearer than ever all because of the ‘Ask God’ sections. The Lord said in his word, ask and you will receive, so I asked him the questions and I am surely receiving answers. There are some things that he has revealed to me about my future husband that I will not share just yet. When these are fulfilled, I will give an update and you will be amazed and in awe of the goodness of God. However, a few changes I have seen in my life so far is, I am now on a dating app after deleting all previously when guys were no longer reaching out, or I did not get a response, or those who reached out were just terrible, but now when these things happen I still stay on because God is teaching me that sometimes things happen to stretch my faith and to help me to exercise patience. One of the many profound things that has happen to me since starting this program and spending more time asking God questions is this, I was talking to God about my future spouse and wrote down what he revealed to me, and the week before Valentine’s Day he told me that something unusual will happen to me on Valentine’s Day that will confirm that I will find my husband. Valentine’s Day had almost come to an end, so I questioned God as to where this sign was because nothing unusual had happened to me. However, while at the train station waiting for the bus, a man passed so close to me that we could almost touch (this is one of my pet peeve, people passing so close to me when there is a lot of space available for them to pass). I was about to open my mouth and protest when God said, “keep your mouth shut”. I obeyed and shortly after the man smiled and handed a small box of chocolate to me and another lady and wished us happy Valentine’s Day. As he handed it to me I heard the Lord say, “by this time next year your husband will be the one to give you a gift” (I haven’t eaten it, but have it still in its sealed packet as a reminder). This has never ever happened to me before (I did not even receive anything while in relationships, where I would buy the guys gifts). I felt so bless and hopeful in that moment. I truly believe that because of the hope I have gotten from this program is the reason why God can now start to reveal what he has plan for me. There is so much more, but I will give an update when all is fulfilled because God told me that my husband (notice that I speak as if it has already happened) and I relationship will be a testimony of the goodness and faithfulness of God, will give hope to those who need to know that he cares, and they can trust him. So, if you are on the fence about signing up, I say go for it! Don’t let the devil stop you from the life and relationship God has for you. Be bless!
"Before I began this journey with Bec, I was at a place with dating where I was totally over it. I was done with the apps, done with attempting to start awkward conversations, done with it all. The whole dating process felt overwhelming and emotionally exhausting. I would have told you that I didn’t make dating high stakes, but the moment I started to like a guy my thoughts became, “I need to know if this will work now, or I am out.” I was stuck. When I started my first coaching session with Bec, she asked me what my goal was for the next 3 months. I told her, “I want to feel free to be 100 percent myself no matter what guy does or doesn’t come into the picture.” So began a 3 month journey of processing with the Lord along with Bec asking powerful questions like, “Who am I really?” and “What do I really believe in this area of my life?” Y’all, I had so many beliefs rooted in lack in the area of dating and the kind of man God had for me. A breakthrough moment was when the Lord told me, “Trena, show me in the Bible where I have ever operated in lack. I am a God of abundance.” What did it mean to walk in a mindset of abundance when it comes to dating? Bec went deep and asked the difficult questions, which led to revealing what was truly in the core of my belief system about God and myself. She championed me and boldly called out truth in my life. Now, months after my coaching journey with Bec ended, I have an inner peace and trust in the Lord in the area of dating that I have never experienced before. I have learned how to show up and be 100 percent myself. To my surprise I am actually having FUN in the dating world! I would strongly recommend coaching with Bec if you feel stuck or ready to give up on your dating life! I am forever grateful for the truth she spoke and way she challenged me into a place of freedom and breakthrough!"