I will just start by saying that this program has really been a blessing to me. I initially wanted to
start the training early last year but was in school and did not think I could commit the time
needed to complete it and I was also short on financial resources because I was only working 2
days each week. I then determined in my heart that if this program ever comes back around I
would sign up.
It so happened that I saw it late last year and still did not have all the cash but was happy there
was a payment plan, so without hesitation, I signed up (still did not know when I’ll have the
second payment, but God is faithful and provided the second payment).
Fast forward to doing the program, with tears in my eyes I can say that for the first time in my
life I have hope of finding that good Godly relationship, after being told by my parents that I do
not have luck with men so I should just stay by myself (they had a good laugh about it too).
Before this program I was on the brink of giving up on ever finding that type of relationship and
wondering if God wanted me to spend the rest of my life alone or I would just have to settle for
my ex who cheated on me because that was all that was going to be offered to me.
This is my 6th week going on to week 7 (I had to take a few weeks break), and I have seen
drastic improvements in my relationship with God, where I am actually hearing his voice
clearer than ever all because of the ‘Ask God’ sections. The Lord said in his word, ask and you
will receive, so I asked him the questions and I am surely receiving answers. There are some
things that he has revealed to me about my future husband that I will not share just yet. When
these are fulfilled, I will give an update and you will be amazed and in awe of the goodness of
However, a few changes I have seen in my life so far is, I am now on a dating app after deleting
all previously when guys were no longer reaching out, or I did not get a response, or those who
reached out were just terrible, but now when these things happen I still stay on because God is
teaching me that sometimes things happen to stretch my faith and to help me to exercise
One of the many profound things that has happen to me since starting this program and
spending more time asking God questions is this, I was talking to God about my future spouse
and wrote down what he revealed to me, and the week before Valentine’s Day he told me that
something unusual will happen to me on Valentine’s Day that will confirm that I will find my
husband. Valentine’s Day had almost come to an end, so I questioned God as to where this sign
was because nothing unusual had happened to me. However, while at the train station waiting
for the bus, a man passed so close to me that we could almost touch (this is one of my pet
peeve, people passing so close to me when there is a lot of space available for them to pass). I
was about to open my mouth and protest when God said, “keep your mouth shut”. I obeyed and
shortly after the man smiled and handed a small box of chocolate to me and another lady and
wished us happy Valentine’s Day.
As he handed it to me I heard the Lord say, “by this time next year your husband will be the one
to give you a gift” (I haven’t eaten it, but have it still in its sealed packet as a reminder). This
has never ever happened to me before (I did not even receive anything while in relationships,
where I would buy the guys gifts). I felt so bless and hopeful in that moment. I truly believe that
because of the hope I have gotten from this program is the reason why God can now start to
reveal what he has plan for me.
There is so much more, but I will give an update when all is fulfilled because God told me that
my husband (notice that I speak as if it has already happened) and I relationship will be a
testimony of the goodness and faithfulness of God, will give hope to those who need to know
that he cares, and they can trust him.
So, if you are on the fence about signing up, I say go for it! Don’t let the devil stop you from the
life and relationship God has for you.
Be bless!